Il derby greco di Eurolega tra Olympiacos e Panathinaikos, vinto 76-74 dalla squadra del Pireo, non è terminato con la sirena finale. Tra dichiarazioni polemiche, risposte non timide e storie su Instagram i due allenatori Ergin Ataman e Georgios Bartzokas non si sono decisamente risparmiati nel postpartita.
Ad aprire le danze è Ataman, cach del Panathinaikos, che nella conferenza stampa postpartita si mostra parecchio contrariato per l’arbitraggio, soprattutto per due non chiamate della terna: “Everything happens in a game. I understand this. I understand that referees allow Olympiacos to play hard and aggressive defense against our offensive players. OK, it can happen. This is homecourt advantage. But in a game where we lost with one basket. But when you check an instant reply who touched the ball and you don’t see who has the ball last. Everyone on TV saw that McKissic touched the ball. The EuroLeague TV commentators also said that the ball is out from McKissic and you give the ball to Olympiacos. And then in the next possession, Fall scores with four maybe five steps. You don’t call that. You’re afraid to make that call. This is difficult for me to understand. These are three very good referees, very experienced referees. But we lost the game with one basket and these two possessions are ours. For sure, 100%.”
Non si fa attendere la risposta dell’allenatore dell’Olympiacos, ecco le parole di Bartzokas: “He (Ataman) does that every time he loses. I can’t remember a game where we beat Panathinaikos and he didn’t complain. Obviously, we win only thanks to the refereeing.- commenta ironicamente Bartokas -I don’t remember any game that we beat Panathinaikos and he didn’t comment that he lost the game due to the officiating.”
Il giorno dopo, tramite una storia Instagram, Ataman risponde a sua volta alle accuse di Bartzokas: “My dear friend Bartzokas, I congratulate you on yesterday’s win. But for the remainder of the season, during the press conferences, please refrain from making assessments based on my comments. If you want to make an evaluation, you can make one about your team. Just a month ago after the Cup final, nobody forgot that instead of shaking my hand you went after the referees in anger. Now let’s talk about real things. Was Fall’s basket at the end of the game a travel or not? Be honest, don’t worry about the possibility of the EuroLeague imposing a penalty. I’m used to it. This time, let it be on me. I can understand your stress. But it will not help; we all know how the season will end and who will be the champion. And you know it too”. Questo il messaggio del coach turco per il collega greco.
Insieme a queste parole Ataman, sempre tramite il proprio profilo Instagram, ha pubblicato un’altra storia, nella quale mostra i replay dei due episodi da lui incriminati: la rimessa contesa da Sloukas e McKissic e i passi di Fall.
Oltre a ciò il Panathinaikos ha fatto sapere che presenterà ricorso verso l’arbitraggio. Allo stesso tempo l’Olympiacos presenterà protesta ufficiale all’Eurolega per un gesto di Kendrick Nunn, guardia del Panathinaikos, ritenuto osceno.
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