Željko Obradović: There’s a great positive atmosphere

Željko Obradović: There’s a great positive atmosphere

Željko Obradović reflected on last season for Partizan, acknowledging the challenges but emphasizing the importance of learning from mistakes

Željko Obradović reflected on last season for Partizan, acknowledging the challenges but emphasizing the importance of learning from mistakes. He stated: “We lost 12 games by a single basket. If we had won two or three more games, it would have been a completely different story. That’s sports, you’re always on the edge. Everything depends on how one game turns, and in turn, an entire season.”

Obradović also commented on the departure of key players: “Four of our important players changed teams. Two of them became European champions (Lessort and Papapetrou), one reached the Final Four (Madar), and another played in the NBA Finals (Exum). This shows the immense quality those players had.”

Despite the setbacks, Obradović is optimistic about the new season: “There’s a great positive atmosphere, the fans have embraced the new players. It’s only been a short time since we started preparation, but right now, there’s no reason for dissatisfaction.”

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