TJ Shorts: “I had other offers over the summer, but I’m happy to play with Paris Basketball”

TJ Shorts: “I had other offers over the summer, but I’m happy to play with Paris Basketball”

Paris Basketball point guard TJ Shorts revealed that there were a few EuroLeague teams willing to sign him over the summer.

Paris Basketball point guard TJ Shorts will play his first season in the EuroLeague, fulfilling one of his dreams since arriving in Europe. The player spoke to Basketball Sphere and revealed that there were a few teams that tried to convince him to leave Paris in the summer. These are his statements.

TJ Shorts’ words: “There were other EuroLeague teams that tried to convince me to move, but in the end I stayed here because of the role I will have on the team. I wanted to be in a situation where I could be an impact player. We have great team chemistry and I am excited to continue playing with this group.

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