Valerio Antonini: We have made a very important offer to Tibor Pleiss

Valerio Antonini: We have made a very important offer to Tibor Pleiss

Valerio Antonini, president of Trapani Shark, spoke to TG Sud about his Telesud Trapani


Valerio Antonini, president of Trapani Shark, spoke to TG Sud about his Telesud Trapani.


“We have reached 3,000 basketball subscribers. I believe and hope that an announcement can be made tomorrow (today, ed). We have made a very important offer to Tibor Pleiss, an exceptional player, a great champion who will change the balance of our team and, I believe, of the LBA. Having a player like him would give us the decisive piece to make an assault on the Scudetto.

“Of course, as a newly promoted player, this almost sounds like blasphemy, but I’m used to not setting myself any limits and I believe that the team we’re building has nothing to fear from Milan and Bologna.


“We negotiate together. He helps me convince players like Galloway, Robinson, Petrucelli and Yeboah to come and join the Trapani project. The team needed to improve, it needed to make a leap in quality, but I think what we are doing is there for all to see. With Pleiss, we would be in the top three for the Scudetto, also because you know me, if we need an addition during the season to win the Scudetto, we will be ready.

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