Unicaja Malaga wins Intercontinental cup

Unicaja Malaga wins Intercontinental cup

Unicaja Malaga, , holders of the Champions League, beats (75-60) NBA G League United in the final of the 34th Intercontinental Cup.

Unicaja Malaga begins the 2024-25 season the way it ended the previous one. The Spanish team, holders of the Champions League, demonstrated their quality by easily beating (75-60) NBA G League United in the final of the 34th Intercontinental Cup. The Spanish team triumphed in Singapore by playing their style of basketball and Dylan Osetskowski was the best scorer with 15 points. Tyler Kalinoski added 13, Yakuba Sima scored 11 and Kameron Taylor netted 10.

NBA G League United led for a single moment early in the game (3-2), even getting as close as 22 points (71-49) in a game that proved once again that, outside the NBA, Europe has the best level of professional basketball in the world. G League United, which was created to represent the U.S. league in competitions outside the United States, was unable to challenge Unicaja.

Jordan Bowden with 20 points was the American team’s leading scorer, shooting only 30% from the field against Malaga’s well-organized defense.

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