The guy everybody loves: Kyle Hines


Hines announced his retirement at age 38, ending one of the best careers in history for an American player in Europe

Where to begin from, Kyle Hines? From the four years we spent together, the personality and charisma, the presence on and off the court, the style, the professionalism and the records set wearing the Olimpia jersey (appearances in the EuroLeague; offensive rebounds grabbed in the EuroLeague)? Or the victories, the three championships, two Italian Cups, a Super Cup, the first trip to the Final Four since 1992?
What to remember first, Kyle Hines? The block over Wade Baldwin, with a Final Four berth at the stake? Those on Nigel Hayes-Davis, on Shaquielle McKissic, on Vasa Micic or on Joel Bolomboy for their beauty? The Athens game played a couple of years ago with a swollen hand.
How can we forget you, Kyle Hines? Dino Meneghin sees himself in you. Roberto Premier would have wanted you among his teammates in the 80s because you are “old school” but in a good way. A twenty-year career spent winning 11 national titles over 13 seasons, four EuroLeagues championships, three defensive of the year awards conquered, starting from UNC Greensboro, a small college in North Carolina. Never stopping being the kid from Sicklerville. Who wasn’t drafted and was about to cry about it. Who in his first NBA summer league was used as a small forward because he was that tall. But the heart was bigger than that. The young guy who began his European career in Veroli. A small village in Ciociaria where he was adopted by the community because everyone loves Kyle Hines.
Nobody more than us.

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