Zeljko Obradovic has arrived in Istanbul to talk with Fenerbahce management.
Serbian coach is out of contract and has not released statements to the press.
Fenerbahçe Beko’nun başantrenörü Zeljko Obradovic, sarı lacivertli yönetim ile yeni sözleşme görüşmeleri yapmak için İstanbul’a geldi pic.twitter.com/Hqr4A5uqIa
— DHA Spor (@dhaspor) June 15, 2020
Obradovic has landed without his agent Alexander Raskovic.
BİLGİ | Obradovic’in menajeri Alexander Raskovic hocayla birlikte gelmedi. Kendisi şu an Türkiye’de değil.
— Yağız Sabuncuoğlu (@yagosabuncuoglu) June 15, 2020
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