Evan Fournier: Yesterday was an unbelievable experience, Panathinaikos? We need to beat their ass

Evan Fournier: Yesterday was an unbelievable experience, Panathinaikos? We need to beat their ass

Enthusiasm skyrockets in Greece after the arrival of the 31-year-old French guard

Evan Fournier, the new Olympiacos signee, was officially introduced to the media today after yesterday’s extraordinary welcome.

“First of all, a big thank you to the Angelopoulos brothers for giving me the opportunity to wear this jersey. Yesterday was an unbelievable experience—one of the craziest days of my life. I’m ready to work, get to know my teammates, and I can’t wait to start working with Coach Bartzokas. The fact that Georgios Angelopoulos, one of the owners, came to greet me at the airport alongside the fans says it all. What I experienced yesterday was incredible, and sharing that moment with the president shows the passion he carries in his heart. That’s exactly the kind of feeling I want to feel here.

I’m an introverted and shy person. The people really made an impact on me. I felt at home. It was a deep experience that I’ll never forget.”

On the Eternal Rivalry with Panathinaikos:

“To be honest, I don’t know much about the Greek league. I’ve watched some videos, maybe from Thessaloniki, where people were throwing cards. Obviously, I know about Panathinaikos and the OAKA, but not much beyond that. The derby? I’m not sure what to expect. Yesterday surpassed my expectations tenfold, so I have no idea what the derbies will be like. All I know is we need to beat their ass.”

On His New Team:

“Bartzokas is one of the best coaches in Europe. Watching Olympiacos games, it’s clear they play some of the best basketball here, with great ball movement but also allowing players the freedom to create. Coming to Europe, I didn’t want a very rigid system, and beyond the club’s rich history—which is very appealing—I felt Olympiacos was the right fit for me because of their team spirit and humility.”

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