Dragan Tarlac: With Shabazz Napier our puzzle is complete

Dragan Tarlac: With Shabazz Napier our puzzle is complete

Dragan Tarlac, the new sports director of FC Bayern Basketball, outlined his vision and goals for the club

Dragan Tarlac, the new sports director of FC Bayern Basketball, outlined his vision and goals for the club: “Bayern must always aim for the highest goals, improving year after year. It’s essential to grow, but without rushing, taking small steps forward.”

He emphasized team chemistry as a key to success: “No player can win a title alone, but one player can destroy team chemistry.” Regarding the new roster, Tarlac said: “With Shabazz Napier, our puzzle is complete. Now we need to give the team time to develop.”

Tarlac also highlighted the importance of monitoring the market: “We always keep an eye on the market, especially in the NBA, where October cuts are coming. We must be ready if the right opportunity arises.”

On Vladimir Lucic’s return, Tarlac stated: “Lucic is in excellent shape after his hand surgery last year. It was a serious operation that even put his career at risk, but now he’s back and ready to lead.”

He also commented on injury management, saying: “We’ve been cautious with players like Voigtmann, ensuring we don’t rush them back before the season starts. The goal is to be fully ready for the start of competition.”

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