Balcerowski stays at Panathinaikos: no Unicaja Malaga in his future

Balcerowski stays at Panathinaikos: no Unicaja Malaga in his future

Panathinaikos, Olek Balcerowski also stays next season: no Unicaja Malaga for him, although there seemed to be an agreement

Panathinaikos has decided to give another chance to Olek Balcerowski, a center who seemed to be leaving for Unicaja Malaga. This is reported by SDNA, a site that announces that the Greek club will not get out of its contract with the long man, despite the fact that he struggled mightily last season.

Although Balcerowski seemed to have reached an agreement with Unicaja, he will begin training with Panathinaikos, with coach Ataman reportedly convinced that the player, in his second year with his team, will be able to carve out more space for himself.

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