Alex Marzette: Next season I want to get to the top league or country I deserve to be

Sportando spoke with Alex Marzette about his pro career and his goal for next season

Alex Marzette has played in several leagues since he turned pro in 2015.This season he was in Northern Macedonia but he has also played in Portugal, Finland, Serbia and Australia.

How do you judge your season in Northern Macedonia?

– I had a good season in Macedonia, coach allowed me to have freedom to do what I wanted out there. I needed a season to show what I was really capable of and I feel like he gave me the opportunity to do so.

What is your goal for next season?

– My goal for this upcoming season is to move up the ladder. I want to get to the top league or country I deserve to be in, also be able to play in a dual league for a Fiba Europe Cup or Champions League team.

You have played in Portugal, Finland, Serbia, ABA Liga, Northern Macedonia, what is the most competitive league in your opinion?

– The toughest competition I played in was Serbia in ABA Liga. They had Euroleague, Eurocup, Champions League  and Fiba Europe Cups teams we played against almost every game. So we were always up against good players.

Where do you have to improve the most in your game? And what are your strengths?<
- My biggest strength would be getting to the rim. I don’t think anyone can stay in front of me , especially when I’m in the transition fast break. I am great at creating opportunities for others to score.

A few things I want to improve on this season will be being more aggressive. Most of my coaches I’ve played for always tell me I need to shoot the ball more, because I don’t take bad shots. I also want to become a deadly sniper from the 3 point line.

Who is the toughest opponent you have faced so far?

– That’s a good one. My toughest opponents would have to be Danuel House and Johnathon Simmons. I played against those guys in the NexProLeague in Houston Texas during the summer.

As far as professionally overseas, I haven’t really met my match yet. But if I had to choose, I’d say Marcus Paige from Partizan was a great matchup for me.

Do you think that it was the right choice to suspend all the leagues for coronavirus?

– I do think it was a great idea to suspend games for the virus. We don’t know how bad it could have been, and it’s a good thing we’re at home with our families. I’m hoping some countries can get back to where they used to be from this as fast as possible so we can play again.

How you are spending your time during quarantine?

– I’ve been trying my best to keep in top shape by running , riding my bike everyday and doing my at home routine workouts daily. Trying to stay ready for whatever opportunities come my way. With all of this going on I think it could end up being my best season yet. I feel confident enough to say this. I’m working hard daily and I feel like I’m getting better every season. I know my people are working to get me the best opportunity out there for me.

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