Achille Polonara: As soon as it happened I had no problem saying what I had

Achille Polonara: As soon as it happened I had no problem saying what I had

Achille Polonara spoke on Monday night on the Area 52 programme

Achille Polonara spoke on Monday night on the Area 52 programme. Speaking with Solaini, Pagliariccio, and Marzagalia, the Virtus Bologna winger returned to the decision to immediately communicate, on a media level, the illness that had struck him at the beginning of the season.

‘As soon as it happened I had no problem saying what I had, we could easily let people know. I had no shame, no problem whatsoever in letting people know what I had because it wasn’t my fault.

“My mother scolded me like I was ten years old (smiles, ed): ‘why did you let everyone know?’ I replied: ‘Mum, there is nothing wrong with letting people know’. Also because afterwards those situations can arise where maybe a journalist reports something, a fan asks you the question, meets you and tells you what it is that you did, so good or bad later the thing would have come out anyway and the news would have come out’.

“So I said ‘Let’s make a communiqué now, let’s let people know what the problem is’. Virtus made a very clear communiqué and that’s how it went. I received a lot of messages from families, friends and people I didn’t even know, but I would have received three times as many if the news hadn’t come out, so I think it’s better this way.

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