2024 ELPA Players’ Choice Awards: Kyle Hines named ‘Most Respected Player’ for the 4th time in a row

The Euroleague Players' Association has started to announce the 2024 ELPA Players' Choice Awards

Olimpia Milano center Kyle Hines has been chosen for the 4th time in a row by ELPA as the ‘Most Respected Player’ of the season.

“A player who earned the utmost respect among his teammates and embodied a true role model, on and off the court.”

The Euroleague Players’ Association has started to announce the 2024 ELPA Players’ Choice Awards; in addition to Milan’s big man we find Kostas Sloukas as ‘Most Clutch Player‘ and Luke Sikma for the ‘Fair Play Award,‘ the third consecutive one for the Olympiacos forward.

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