Stephon Marbury cerca di inviare mascherine negli USA, Brooklyn dice no

Una bella azione, per quanto ancora non conclusa, per l’ex stella NBA Stephon Marbury

Una bella azione, per quanto ancora non conclusa, per l’ex stella NBA Stephon Marbury. L’attuale coach dei Royal Fightes in CBA ha cercato di stipulare un accordo per la spedizione a New York City, dalla Cina, di 10.000.000 di mascherine N95.

Secondo quanto riferito da Marbury al New York Post, le mascherine sarebbero state ottenute a 2.75 dollari ciascuna, circa i due terzi in meno dell’attuale valore commerciale.

Contattato Eric Adams, ex senatore e ora presidente del Distretto di Brooklyn, da cui Starbury proviene, la risposta sarebbe stata negativa: New York City non aveva bisogno di nuove mascherine. Tuttavia, una volta venuti in possesso dell’informazione, il Dipartimento di Sanità dello Stato avrebbe chiesto subito di mettersi in contatto con Marbury.


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This is the new normal in the life. We have to adjust and adapt quickly in our lives. Wearing a mask is so important during this #coronavirus pandemic if we must be out and about. The quarantine has purpose so we can help the infected and protect the healthy. The virus is the invisible killer. It has no heart or compassion as we’re all exposed. I too have family members exposed to this virus. No one is exempt as we see people of all statue infected by this virus. The only way to move pass this is through it together. We can do this by staying home until we create a solution that everyone can conform and perform well to. Positive energy laughter, prayer ??, meditation are some of the rules we can follow. Quick to listen and slow to speak to each other will help us communicate better to each other. This will give us strength and hope during a time we never experienced in time to grow together as 1. Keep growing and loving during this uncomfortable time. You define who you are when you create comfort in a uncomfortable state. Stay great in this space and keep pushing!!! #loveislove

Un post condiviso da (@starburymarbury) in data: