Valencia Basket officially part ways with Damien Inglis

Valencia Basket has executed the existing clause in the contract of the power forward Damien Inglis to finish the agreement

Valencia Basket has executed the existing clause in the contract of the power forward Damien Inglis to finish the agreement that the Club had signed with this player also for the 2024-25 season. Hence, the Taronja entity parted ways with Inglis.

The Club wants to thank the professionalism, dedication and work carried out by Damien during the time he has defended the Valencia Basket jersey. It wishes him the best in his future, both professionally and personally.

Damien Inglis arrived at Valencia Basket in the summer of 2023 from Dreamland Gran Canaria and has played 70 games with our team with a score of 7.7 points with 52.2% in 2-point shooting, 5.1 rebounds and 2 assists for 9.8 PIR in almost 21 minutes on average on the court.

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