Usman Garuba: On 1 July I will officially be a free agent and we will see

Usman Garuba, currently a Golden State Warriors player and Spanish international, said that at the moment he is only focused on the Spanish selection

Usman Garuba, currently a Golden State Warriors player and Spanish international, said that at the moment he is only focused on the Spanish selection and not on his future in Europe or the NBA.

“Right now I’m only thinking about the national team,” said Garuba, emphasising the importance of the Valencia Pre-Olympic for qualification for Paris 2024.

Asked if Real Madrid, his former club, would be a priority should he return to Europe, he replied: ‘Let’s say yes, I hope so; as long as things materialise. But nothing is clear yet, as of today I am still in the United States, on 1 July I will officially be a free agent and we will see.”

Source: Mundo Deportivo

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