Trinchieri: It was a real fight, I am very satisfied

Credit: Ciamillo & Castoria

The German team is fifth in the Euroleague standings with 14 wins in 23 games.

Bayern Munich coach Andrea Trinchieri talks after the important road win against CSKA Moscow:

“Two wins for the second time already, we should only play double weeks! The tireless will was the decisive factor today. We found the perfect attitude in the last quarter. We back came from a ten-point deficit, but did not give up and therefore go home with an incredible feeling. (…)I am very satisfied. If you ask about the quality of a game: you might find it with a good wine. I am just happy to have won this game. (…)It was a real fight. In the first quarter it looked like a high-scoring game, Milutinov and Shengelia destroyed us. But slowly we found a way to play better especially on defense. And then we managed to make ZSKA score only six points in the last quarter, which was the key to our big win in Moscow. (…)January and February are a nightmare for teams in the EuroLeague. ZSKA was missing Clyburn and James, but for us Sisko, Lucic, Djedovic and then during the game Zipser were not there. Fatigue was something both teams had to deal with. No one gave up and this was not a game of offense, but of defense – and we won that. The decisive thing was when ZSKA led 60-50 and Hilliard hit two three-pointers, which provide incredible oxygen to any team – at that moment the game can slip away from you, but we stayed in. We didn’t give up in the most difficult moment of the game”

The German team is fifth in the Euroleague standings with 14 wins in 23 games.

Fonte: Bayern Munich.

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