Trey Burke: I plan on closely following protocol that the NBA has set in place for non vaccinated

Mavs point guard Trey Burke answered to Fox Sport Mike Doocy about his vaccine stance

Mavs point guard Trey Burke answered to Fox Sport Mike Doocy about his vaccine stance.

«I respect the "freedom of choice" in wich everybody has that birthright! Therefore this is a personal choice and preference that my family and I have always abided by. I believe more in holistic and naturalistic "medicine" rather than the "drug" indutry or what we know today as "pharmaceuticals". I don’t have any issue with the choices my teammates have made and they feel the same in return and have been in support with my decision!».

«I plan on closely following protocol and the guidelines that the NBA has set in place for all non vaccinated players and plan on taking advantage of all opportunities to connect personally via FaceTime, time spent together on the court, and any other opportunities that may present themselves to continue to build and bond with my guys but as for the shot I AM standing on my own freedom of choice & respectively declining».

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