Toni Kukoc opens up on ‘The Last Dance,’ relationship with Jerry Krause

Former Bulls forward weighs on the first two episodes

"I’m hoping the other episodes are brighter and more of a celebration of basketball instead of who is guilty or to blame, and why didn’t they win eight championships or 10," former Chicago Bulls forward Toni Kukoc said in a phone interview with NBC commenting on "The Last Dance" first two episodes. "The world was so happy when that was happening. So I don’t know what people are mad at."

Kukoc has also taken the defense of his former GM Jerry Krause: "Those three years that he was pursuing me and saying you gotta come, his pitch to me was, ‘You have no idea. We have this incredible coach. We have awesome older players who lead like Pax (John Paxson) and (Bill) Cartwright. We have these amazing athletes like MJ and Scottie who can do anything.’ He had so much joy when he talked about that team," Kukoc said. "He told me how crazy good it would be with me flying on the break or leading the break with MJ on one side and Scottie on the other. He was never like, ‘Oh, I built this team and I did this.’ He just talked about what a great organization the Bulls were. People who weren’t there are assuming and saying, ‘Oh, his ego got in the way. That’s why he destroyed the dynasty.’ Not that they don’t appreciate what he did, but you always put him down? Of course it’s going to affect someone. He’s not here, but I don’t even want to say he can’t defend himself. There’s nothing to defend. He’s the GM of the six-time champs. Name me another five people in the world who did what he did — in any sport."

Fonte: NBC.

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