Sergio Rodriguez big night set the tempo, Olimpia sustained the effort and won in Bologna 86-75

Credit: Ciamillo & Castoria

Olimpia scored 30-point in the fourth quarter and improved to 5-0 in the Italian league

Olimpia was ready to accept the challenge of playing on a short rest in Bologna against an emotional team and a tough environment, winning 86-75 including a 30-point fourth quarter. Sergio Rodriguez scored 16 points and added eight assists, on top of four three-pointers, and set the tempo. Fortitudo kept coming back, with the Totè-Ashley combo in the first half and late in the game with Pietro Aradori. The experienced Fortitudo scorer was scoreless in the first half but exploded with a 15-points second half. But Olimpia had the defense to rely on and made the crucial field goals. Gigi Datome (14), Dinos Mitoglou (12 and six rebounds), Devon Hall 813, 3-for-4 from the arc) and finally Shavon Shields who added eight rebounds to his 11 points were instrumental in the win, along Nicolò Melli’s defense and inside presence. Olimpia started slow, but then used some runs, including one in the third quarter to earn a 12-point margin that Aradori almost single-handedly erased. When Fortitudo came withing two, another huge run opened a 13-point lead that was protected for the rest of the game. Olimpia improved to 5-0 in the Italian league. "It was a tough game on a tough environment, we decided to try to limit Sergio Rodriguez and Shavon Shields playing time. Especially Shields played a chirurgical game, that was why we are glad that we won," Coach Ettore Messina said.

Fonte: Olimpia Milano.

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