Rick Pitino says Mike James should be in NBA

Pitino compared Seton Hall’s Myles Powell to James: “He reminds me of Mike a little bit”

When asked about Seton Hall senior Myles Powell, Rick Pitino compared him to EuroLeague star Mike James. The former Panathinaikos head coach also said James should be in the NBA in his opinion.

“There’s a player I love in the EuroLeague; he should be in the NBA, his name is Mike James,” Pitino told the New York Post. “He’s the leading scorer in the EuroLeague. Myles Powell reminds me of Mike a little bit. Do I think he’ll be in the NBA? I think he’ll try out with a team, but I think he’ll be a terrific player over in Europe and make a lot of money and be very successful. Could he play in the NBA? I’m sure he could, but I don’t think he’s somebody you’re gonna say he’s definitely gonna make it, but he’s a very talented young man and I think he’ll get a good shot at the NBA.”

Fonte: New York Post.

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