Mike James says his clash with Itoudis wasn’t as a basketball player, but as “an individual”

Credits Ciamillo-Castoria

James spoke about his relationship with coaches Messina and Itoudis after his debut with the Brooklyn Nets

After his debut with the Brooklyn Nets, former Milano and CSKA guard Mike James spoke at length about his relationship with coaches Ettore Messina and Dimitris Itoudis: “Messina took the job in Milan, we talked on the phone all summer, and one day he just emailed me saying I should find another team. With Itoudis, some things happened in my personal life, and I felt like stuff didn’t go how I thought somebody should handle my situations. We had a little clash there. Not really as a basketball player did I have a clash, more as an individual. We are two men who had a clash outside the basketball court”.

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