Mauro Ferrari: I still don’t accept that the agent has to take 10% of Massinburg’s salary

Mauro Ferrari, Pallacanestro Brescia’s number one, was a guest on ‘Basket Time 2.0’, the programme hosted by Cristiano Tognoli

Mauro Ferrari, Pallacanestro Brescia’s number one, was a guest on ‘Basket Time 2.0’, the programme hosted by Cristiano Tognoli. Here are some of his statements transcribed by Bresciacanestro.


“I wish Alessandro all the best, if one day a request arrives and he has to go, it means that the society’s task has been accomplished, we have created something important, an important coach who will make basketball at the highest level, we have done what we had to do.


“Certainly the Eurocup discourse is still open, but right now I have to understand the comparison with the coach, understand the availability of money, it’s great to go around Europe, but I have to think about the families who come to see us, the project is social to all intents and purposes, we want to give fun and excitement.


“If we analyse our 10 players there is a need to roll up our sleeves in the coming weeks, cycles unfortunately begin and end, there will not be many of us left next year who will be in the market. I still don’t accept that the agent has to take 10% of Massinburg’s salary, which will be $500,000. What has his manager done to deserve it?”.

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