Mario Hezonja: I would like to repay that with more years here and more titles

Mario Hezonja, to Movistar+, confirms his desire to stay in Madrid

Mario Hezonja, to Movistar+, confirms his desire to stay in Madrid: ‘I won’t talk about three titles, I would like to have more. That’s how I am, I am always a perfectionist. This year we only lost one game in which we played badly, and we lost a title. I am very sorry for that, but I would like to give something back to our people, to my club, to Real Madrid… In the coming years I would like to give back many more titles. I hope this will happen.”

“That’s why they brought me here. We talked about the fact that we needed people like this and I feel really comfortable, I feel like they are my family. They welcomed me with open arms when many were talking about things that were not true. I would like to repay that with more years here and more titles for my team.”

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