Luca Baraldi on Luca Banchi’s rumour: That is only intended to destabilise us

Luca Baraldi, CEO of Virtus Bologna, gave a long interview to the Carlino in the week marking the start of the LBA Finals 2024

Luca Baraldi, CEO of Virtus Bologna, gave a long interview to the Carlino in the week marking the start of the LBA Finals 2024. Here we focus on some aspects related to the market.


‘We are always vigilant about the market, but at the moment we have stopped at hypotheses. Since I’ve been managing Virtus we’ve always spent the money we had in the till, so until the budget is decided precisely we won’t move. I would like to point out that this year’s team cost 20% less than the previous year’s and it is also for this reason that the results we have achieved are to be considered extraordinary’.


‘The coach has a contract with us and unless he comes and asks us to leave he will stay here. We have no reason to make a change as we are satisfied with his work. I was surprised to read of his departure, also because this is indeed a rumour that can annoy and that is only intended to destabilise us’.

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