Karl-Anthony Towns believes that his Mother is in coma for COVID-19

Timberwolves big man Karl-Anthony Towns reveals that his mother has been hospitalized for the last week and is dealing with health complications from what he believes to be COVID-19

Timberwolves big man Karl-Anthony Towns reveals that his mother has been hospitalized for the last week and is dealing with health complications from what he believes to be COVID-19.

Towns said that his mother, Jacqueline Cruz, is in a medically induced coma and had to be put on a ventilator.

“I think it’s important that everyone understands the severity of what’s happening in the world right now with the coronavirus, and I think where my life is right now could help, so I decided to do this video and give you an update of where I’m at,” Towns said during a nearly six-minute video posted to Instagram. “I was told early last week my parents weren’t feeling well. My first reaction to her was to go seek medical attention immediately. There’s no reason to wait, just go to the nearest hospital, and after a couple days of not showing any signs of improvement, I was very adamant on the first day to go to a hospital and seek further evaluation.

“Specifically, my sister told her she needs to get checked for corona. I don’t think anyone really understood what it was, with deteriorating condition. She kept getting worse, she kept getting worse, and the hospital was doing everything they can.”

“She just wasn’t getting better,” Towns continued. “Her fever was never cutting from 103, maybe go down to 101.9 with the meds, and then immediately spike back up during the night. She was very uncomfortable. Her lungs were getting worse, her cough was getting worse. She was deteriorating. She was deteriorating — and we always felt that the next medicine would help. This is the one that’s going to get it done. This mixture is going to get it done.”

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Sharing my story in the hopes that everyone stays at home! We need more equipment and we need to help those medical personnel on the front lines. Thank you to the medical staff who are helping my mom. You are all the true heroes! Praying for all of us at this difficult time.

Un post condiviso da Karl-Anthony Towns (@karltowns) in data: 24 Mar 2020 alle ore 9:48 PDT

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