JEEP Elite, Pro B will not resume before September

The LNB Steering Committee will have to decide whether to cancel the season

The LNB Steering Committee took note of the declarations of the President of the Republic concerning in particular the ban on rallies and sporting events for several more months.

Consequently it is decided:

– That the Jeep® ELITE and PRO B 2019-20 competitions currently suspended, will not be able to resume before September.

– That the working groups already at work and bringing together all the stakeholders in professional basketball must as of this day consider the hypotheses for the end of the 2019-20 season (final cessation and under what conditions, or resumption and end from September).

These working groups are also tasked with completing their work on the economic consequences of this crisis for clubs and the League, and identifying solutions and prospects for the seasons to come.

The working groups will finally have to think about and propose the format of the competition for the 2020-21 season (one or more scenarios), taking into account the decisions taken on the 2019-20 season.

This work will be the subject of a summary which will be submitted to the Management Committee for approval before the end of April, and presented to the General Assembly for approval.

Fonte: LNB.

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