Giannis misses last 3pt, Spain wins it with Aldama’s 19+12

Spain won the challenge in the final and put Greece one foot out of the medal race. 84-77 the final

Spain won the battle in the final and put Greece one foot out of the medal race. 84-77 the final, 19+12 by Santi Aldama, 13 by Llull and 7 with 10 assists for Brown. Giannis’ 27 were not enough for Greece.

Rudy’s shot, out at the end of the game.


21-22 at the end of the first quarter, Spain stays afloat with 10 from Santi Aldama and 8 from Sergio Llull, two threes at the end of the quarter. Greece more physical 9 of Giannis.


A devastating 28-11 lead for Spain, who make 11/17 from three for an unexpected 49-35 at halftime. 12 for Aldama, 11 for Llull, 7 for Pradilla, while Greece misses out with 14/35 from the field and Giannis dry in the second quarter.


Toliopoulos at the buzzer finds a front three on Giannis’ offload. Spain ahead 62-56, 15 for Aldama and 11 for Llull. Greece with Giannis himself up by 17.


5 points from Giannis and Greece to -1 before Rudy’s triple. The game is on fire with back-to-back triples, Rudy again from outside for 71-67. Toliopoulos was the hero you don’t expect, scoring 14 points at 71-69, while Giannis dunked 71-71 at 4.39. But, with Rudy leaving the court with a blow to the ballot, Greece’s attack stops, and Spain with Llull gets to +6 at 2.42. Scariolo’s defense becomes asphyxiating, Giannis is whistled for an infraction after a near-loss by Toliopoulos, while Aldama dunks on an offensive rebound for +8. Papanikolaou puts the -5 at 90‘’, Giannis for the basket and foul for the 80-77 at 56‘’. Greece’s number 34 has a triple to tie the game but goes short, and Willy goes to the line for 2/2 to make it 82-77. And the contest ends. 84-77 by Diaz at the buzzer.

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