Bayern Munich beats Alba Berlin to close the series and become German champions

Bayern Munich won Game 4 of the German Championship Final against Alba Berlin: they are the 2023-2024 German champions.

Bayern Munich won Game 4 of the German Championship Finals against Alba Berlin, ending the series and clinching the German Championship for the 2023-2024 season. The final score was 82-88, thanks to a super third period by the Bavarian team, which ended with a 6-21 partial.

Sterling Brown’s 25 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists and Thiemann’s near double-double with 9 points and 10 rebounds were not enough for Alba Berlin.

For Bayern München, Carsen Edwards’ 29 points (7/10 from three point range), Booker’s 10 points and 9 rebounds and Bolmaro’s 10 points were decisive.

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