Adam Silver on All-Star Game: We’re thinking of going back to something more traditional

“We’re looking at some potential changes in format for this year’s All-Star Game in Indianapolis,”

“We’re looking at some potential changes in format for this year’s All-Star Game in Indianapolis,” NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said in an interview with Stephen A. Smith on ESPN. “We’re thinking of going back to something more traditional, like the East vs West format, which has been historical for the league.”

These remarks come a week after Joe Dumars, the NBA’s head of basketball operations, emphasized the importance of reviving interest in the All-Star Game. “There’s a consensus that this is a joint issue. It’s an issue that involves the team, the league, and the players,” Silver added.

On the topic of player load management, Silver stated, “We don’t see more injuries later on in the season. So, I don’t think shortening the season is the solution. We are an 82-game league.”

Regarding trade requests from players like Damian Lillard and James Harden, Silver reiterated, “Trade requests have been going on for decades. Our bigger concern is when these situations become public.”

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